Know Your Grandparents Rights

In the earlier days the entire family used to stay together under one single roof. However with the rapid industrialization more job opportunities were created, families started breaking up into smaller units. Children started moving away from parents in search of greener pastures. Today, we have a situation where the parents live in a different state and the children live in a different state. In such situations the biggest casualty is the grandparent grandchild relationship. In the earlier days this relationship was considered very significant. But the stress of modern living has led to a lot of broken homes with divorce rates ever increasing. In most cases of divorce or legal separation, the court decides the custody of the child with either of the parents. The grandparents on both the sides do not figure at all in the divorce cases. In case a spouse does not allow the grandparents to visit their grandchildren, what is the recourse grandparents have legally?

Well, every state in the country has its own statutes and legislations with regards to grandparents rights. These laws differ from state to state and can be interpreted in many ways. However, almost every state allows the grandparents rights to file a petition in the court for seeking either visitation rights or custodial rights. Most of the states also allow grandparents petitioning for adoption of their grandchildren. As grandparents, you no longer have to feel insecure. Understand grandparents rights and seek legal remedies quickly.

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